Beauty hacks: Facial Masks


    We all strive for smooth, soft, glowing skin. Many times we end up buying and using products that end up making our skin worse. A common misconception in the beauty and skincare industry, we come to believe that the more expensive it is the better. However, we forget to realize that the chemicals that we pay for are the very things putting our skin in trouble.
        Everyone's skin is different. That's why making your own skin products is sometimes best, that way you can customize and formulate a product perfect for your skin problems. Although homemade masks might seem to take longer to work than store bought ones, you can guarantee that you know what you put in them and overall have a healthier option for your skin. Here are a few DIY facial masks that you can make yourself at home with common food items.

For acne:

   Pimples can be unflattering when they come out before a big day and sometimes they can be difficult to get rid of. Many store bought products can remove the pimples yes, but they can also contribute to skin damage. Here are two face masks that you can try to combat acne on your own.

Honey, Oatmeal and Lemon juice

  Honey is naturally antibacterial and it's great for acne treatment and prevention. It also helps to unclog pores and adds a nice glow to the skin. Lemon juice clears and lightens the skin. It is great for reducing excess oil and clearing away blackheads. Oatmeal works as a gentle exfoliant on the face and helps to unclog pores.

You will need:

2 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of Oatmeal
1 teaspoon of Lemon juice

  • Mix ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Apply to face after washing with circular motions
  • Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • When washing off, continue to rub with circular motions until all has been removed.
  • Dab face dry with towel.
* Use mask twice a week.

Apple cider vinegar, Honey,sugar and coconut oil

    Apple cider vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acids that will remove dead skin and reveal healthy and vibrant skin. Honey with it's antibacterial properties, treats and prevents acne. Sugar work as an exfoliant for the face. Coconut oil is extremely moisturizing and it also helps to repair the skin.

You will need:

1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
2 tablespoons of sugar ( white or brown both can work)

  • Mix ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Apply to cleansed skin .
  • Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water and circular motions.
  • Dab face dry with towels.
* Use mask twice a week.


Our next beauty hack post will be about how to get rid of dark underarms. See you soon!


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